Monday, January 28, 2013

My 54 Year Love Affair with the SAT

The very first thing that in the story that grabbed my attention was that the SAT originated in highly accredited colleges such as Princeton and Yale. Seeing that the test was only accepted by those colleges made me wonder why other schools didn't jump on the opportunity faster.  The fact that the SAT was a national test, allowed for an even chance for every student in the country to get into the school of their dreams was a first. It still holds true today that the education that  a student receives differs depending on the state and the region.

Furthermore, I was surprised that the students, as well as the parents, weren't informed of their scores on the test. In today’s society, we count down the days until we can log onto College Board and see our scores and then go compare with our classmates.  The first thing I looked out when I was researching colleges was the SAT and ACT scores that the preceding freshman scored and whether or not my scores fit into the upper 75 percentile.

From the beginning I could tell that Mr. Kaplan had great admiration for teaching children. He wasn't the typical teacher that just taught the material that was needed and moved on with his life. He taught his students the how and why, not just the what. I used the Kaplan SAT prep book when I took the SAT for the second time. My score was improved by over 200 points. Mr. Kaplan truly does care about students and wants to allow them to reach their full potential.

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